
APPLICATION: A CLI tool to parse mp4 file, show boxes and validate the structure

winlinvip opened this issue · 2 comments

Like objs/research/librtmp/srs_flv_parser, I need a mp4 parser CLI.

winlin:srs winlin$  ./objs/srs_mp4_parser  html/dash/testpic_2s/V300/init.mp4 
SRS MP4 parser/3.0.24, parse and show the mp4 boxes structure.
[2017-06-04 10:36:15.663][Trace][2384][0] Parse MP4 file html/dash/testpic_2s/V300/init.mp4, verbose=0
[2017-06-04 10:36:15.664][Trace][2384][0] MP4 file open success
[2017-06-04 10:36:15.664][Trace][2384][0] MP4 box reader open success

    ftyp, 32B, brands:iso5,0(isom,iso5,dash,mp42)
    skip, 37B, free 29B
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1d, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x69
    moov, 646B, 3 boxes
        mvhd, 108B, FB(4B), 0ms, TBN=90000, nTID=3
        trak, 490B, 2 boxes
            tkhd, 92B, FB(4B,V0,0x07), track #2, 0TBN, size=640x360
            mdia, 390B, 3 boxes
                mdhd, 32B, FB(4B), TBN=90000, 0TBN
                hdlr, 59B, FB(4B), vide, MobiTV Video Media handler
                minf, 291B, 3 boxes
                    vmhd, 20B, FB(4B)
                    dinf, 36B, 1 boxes
                        dref, 28B, FB(4B), 1 childs(+)
                            URL: Same file
                    stbl, 227B, 5 boxes
                        stsd, 151B, FB(4B), 1 childs(+)
                            avc1, 135B, refs#1, size=640x360, 1 boxes
                                avcC, 49B, AVC Config: 41B
                                    0x01, 0x64, 0x00, 0x1e, 0xff, 0xe1, 0x00, 0x19, 
                                    0x67, 0x64, 0x00, 0x1e, 0xac, 0xd9, 0x40, 0xa0, 
                                    0x2f, 0xf9, 0x61, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 
                                    0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x3c, 0x8f, 0x16, 0x2d, 
                                    0x96, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x68, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xb2, 
                        stts, 16B, FB(4B), 0 childs (+)
                        stsc, 16B, FB(4B), 0 childs (+)
                        stsz, 20B, FB(4B), size=0, 0 childs (+)
                        stco, 16B, FB(4B), 0 childs (+)
        mvex, 40B, 1 boxes
            trex, 32B, FB(4B), track=#2, default-sample(index:1, size:0, duration:0, flags:0)

[2017-06-04 10:36:15.664][Trace][2384][0] Parse complete
winlin:srs winlin$ 
winlin:srs winlin$  ./objs/srs_mp4_parser  html/dash/testpic_2s/V300/743408904.m4s 
SRS MP4 parser/3.0.24, parse and show the mp4 boxes structure.
[2017-06-04 10:35:08.703][Trace][2326][0] Parse MP4 file html/dash/testpic_2s/V300/743408904.m4s, verbose=0
[2017-06-04 10:35:08.704][Trace][2326][0] MP4 file open success
[2017-06-04 10:35:08.704][Trace][2326][0] MP4 box reader open success

    styp, 24B, brands:msdh,0(msdh,dash)
    moof, 1048B, 2 boxes
        mfhd, 16B, FB(4B), sequence=743408904
        traf, 1024B, 3 boxes
            tfhd, 16B, FB(4B,V0,0x20000), track=2, moof-base
            tfdt, 20B, FB(4B,V1,0x00), bmdt=133813602720000
            trun, 980B, FB(4B,V0,0xf01), samples=60, data-offset=1056
                duration=3000, size=7319, flags=33554432, cts=6000
                duration=3000, size=597, flags=16777216, cts=15000
                duration=3000, size=371, flags=16777216, cts=6000
                duration=3000, size=218, flags=16777216, cts=0
                duration=3000, size=266, flags=16777216, cts=3000
                duration=3000, size=438, flags=16777216, cts=15000
                duration=3000, size=327, flags=16777216, cts=6000
                duration=3000, size=297, flags=16777216, cts=0
    mdat, 37692B, total 37684 bytes

[2017-06-04 10:35:08.704][Trace][2326][0] Parse complete