
RFC: Proposal to Replace Princeton's DSA with Georgia Tech's CS 1332 Series in Data Science Curriculum

tuskydev opened this issue · 2 comments



  • 2024 April 28


  • It includes a great visual tool to visualize all the data structures it covers: https://csvistool.com/
  • The TA's for the Princeton courses have announced they will not keep supporting students who ask questions on the forums
  • Georgia Tech's CS 1332 not only has active TA's in the edX forums but has a discord server where one can lean on for help from actual students at GT
  • The instructor for all 4 courses, Mary H-B, has great 8-10min videos, and doesn't read off the slides (unlike Princeton)
  • Princeton forces the student to use the school's proprietary libraries and download specific IDE's for their course; OSSU students have complained about this but the people I've heard state their opinions on this are few



  1. Stick with the status quo
  2. Replace the Princeton course with an alternative
  3. Look for a Python course alternative; though hasn't been done in years (looking at previous RFC's)

Thoughts are highly appreciated, don't hold back! Thank you 🙏🏼

The comment period has ended with support expressed by a few individuals, including a frequent contributor. @tuskydev Please open a PR to enact this change!

Will do! Thanks a lot @waciumawanjohi