
Cursor for running through big datasets.

trading-peter opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying out clover for an easy and portable way of storing stock market price data.
And it works good enough for my usecase in general. The only thing I was wondering is if there is support for cursors?
Right now I'm doing a FindAll() which takes pretty long and obv. causes the whole chunk of data to be stored in memory.

It would be awesome if something like this was possible

cond := clover.Field("openTime").GtEq(tw.Start).And(clover.Field("openTime").LtEq(tw.End))
cursor, err := s.db.Query("candles").Where(cond).Sort(clover.SortOption{"openTime", 1}).Cursor()

for cursor.Next() {
  // do something with myStruct

Hi, @trading-peter. You can use the **ForEach() ** method for this purpose, which calls a supplied function for each document

Ooooh so nice! How did I miss that hahaha. Thanks you!