Could not acquire mutex lock for the queue (queue)
Closed this issue · 2 comments
We've been seeing issues, especially when running FeedMe feeds, related to Mutex. For a while we thought it was related to craftcms/cms#10189 but have since stood up Redis and enabled it as the mutex driver for our app. We continued to see issues, and finally thought of disabling async queue. Now that we've done so, the errors are gone and tasks complete successfully.
Please let us know if there's anything additional we can provide to help!
Uncaught exception 'yii\base\Exception' with message 'Could not acquire a mutex lock for the queue (queue).' in /opt/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/queue/Queue.php:780
do you experience the issue with this ENV var set?
We ended up spinning up a background container which doesn't serve any traffic to just run queue/watch
and that has solved the issue. Didn't bother messing with the concurrency once we did that.