
Command Line showing incorrect path

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For some strange reason, the path to the root directory is incorrect in the Command Line of your plugins settings.

Is there any way to override this like you can with the PHP_BINARY .env var?

@ostark thanks for this but I don't think the part I am referring to is documented.

I can see that you can override the PHP_BINARY e.g. usr/local/php81/bin/php

But what about the path that comes after it e.g. /home/customer/www/website.com/craft

For some reason, that part of the command is incorrect for my site, so it would be good to be able to override that part of the command as well. Let me know if I am missing something here and if it is actually possible?

Ah, I see.
There is an Event that allows modification of the whole command from outside.
Since this problem is unique to this website/environment only, I'd do a hacky string replace there.


You can put the event listener in your config/app.php.