
Cannot Download More Images

narendrasuthar1 opened this issue · 10 comments

I have follow above Issues, Still I can only Download Images less than 100. I have tried changes in values in time.sleep(50), time.sleep(0.5) many more.

did you make sure there are more than 100 images for given keyword?

yes i have downloaded before 600 images at once myself. with this "time.sleep(50)".
but now unfortunately not working. Maybe Bing changed its algorithm or something, I have no idea. and I want to collect datasets for my model.

How can I reproduce the issue?

Like I don't Know. Maybe I thought you can help me with something, like in your code, we can also apply filters and also same image don't get download twice and all. but now everything is limited now. or maybe you can give me some tips to download more images

No, it works for me for random keyword I tried. Don't know why it doesn't work for you. Maybe give me command you are using?

python New12.py -s "happy expression portrait" -o "Happy Expression Portrait"

It downloaded 137 images for me, which is about the same as is on website.

okay let me try with some other keywords then

i have use this earlier and i have downloaded 626 images at once. And now i could just download 25 images at once
python New12.py -s "angry expression" -o "angryyy Expression Portrait"

if you want i could attached snapshot of the folder

I guess you were rate limited by bing or something, it works for me. Anyways there isn't anything I can do here, sorry.

i"m facing the same issue, it only download few images, like, 23

python bbid.py -s "cat" --limit 2000 -o "cat test"


if I increase to time.sleep(0.5) in line 88 the code download only 48 images... it means bing might have changed the website structure or something.