
bug: bancho.py 4.7.2 was broken.

hzswdef opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

Avatars not working.
All maps without ranked state (loved/ranked/etc.).
While creating a lobby on the multi you will always create a room with 16 opened slots.

When I reverted ~1 year of commits the server started working much better.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior

bancho.py Version


Python Version

3.9.X (Default)

Relevant log output

No response

Additional context

No response

As for the "avatars" not working, can you show us your Cloudflare DNS settings and nginx file? As for the ranked loved stuff, did you provide an osu! api key in the .env file? As for the multi slots thing, that might be an actual bug

I didn't mention it but instead of avatars I get the default osu.domain.com (or any other sub-domains) response


Idk maybe try to not use full TLS encryption and just flexible instead, meaning you change that setting in CF and then remove all ssl stuff from your nginx config, followed by replacing the listen 443 ssl with listen 80, it likely is not the issue but chances are it fixes this issue on the way, happened in the past

@minisbett do you know any servers which currently use bancho.py 4.7.2?

@minisbett do you know any servers which currently use bancho.py 4.7.2?

i do! i can confirm that multi is broken (e.g. "assert slot is not None" in player.py returns AssertionError) but my avatar server works just fine

avatars are unrelated to this issue and so are all misconfiguration things you have going on (use discussions for those please)

my main issue is that i have no clue what you are actually trying to report as you have provided very little information.

if you can provide more information about what fails (RELATED to bancho.py code) and when it fails (e.g. the reproduction steps you did not fill in) a fix will be looked into

mind if you provide what you did to fix your issue so others may find it?