
Attaching the AEM middleware to the Nova and Neutron services

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I was trying to run the code uploaded on github using OpenStack Mitaka release, I successfully downloaded the patron service on the control node, and then attached the AEM middleware to the Nova and Neutron services. However, I don't think that the middleware is working as its supposed to be. I think maybe I didn't attach it correctly, can you please show how to attach AEM middleware to OpenStack services?

following are the steps I followed to attach the midddleware to both the Nova and Neutron services:
-in the Nova api-paste.ini file I added the following lines:

  1. in the Nova's WSGI pipeline

use = call:nova.api.auth:pipeline_factory



keystone_nolimit = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext patron_verify osapi_compute_app_v2


paste.filter_factory = patron.aem.patron_verify:PatronVerify.factory
  1. in the Neutron's WSGI pipeline

use = call:neutron.auth:pipeline_factory

noauth = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id catch_errors extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0

keystone = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0

keystone_nolimit = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext extensions patron_verify neutronapiapp_v2_0


paste.filter_factory = patron.aem.patron_verify:PatronVerify.factory

Can you debug AEM? Like adding print to AEM, see if the string is printed out?

And try to see how other filters are attached, maybe the version of AEM is not compatible with your version.

I tried to add print(" Middleware test "), and also tried to add LOG.info("middleware test"), but it seems that the middlware is not called at all

If I remember right, OSM framework is developed under OpenStack Juno release. So the interface may have changed in the Mitaka release. I think you need to refer to how latest middleware is setup for Mitaka release, then port OSM to Mitaka to make it work.