
ltx 2.0

Opened this issue · 6 comments

There are breaking changes related to how to use DOMElement see https://github.com/node-xmpp/ltx/releases/tag/v2.0.0

Also out of curiosity why do you need a DOM compatible API to use ltx?

Thanks for the warning!

JXT originally was based on working with DOM elements directly, and only later used ltx. I created a standalone DOMElement shim so I could use ltx without breaking changes, and later contributed that back to ltx itself. That's how DOMElement ended up as an additional class instead of the Element class exposing the DOM API itself.

@legastero thanks

Ah, this also means JXT (and by extension https://github.com/otalk/jxt-xmpp) won't work with node-xmpp-core/client/component anymore, because the parser for the core stream class doesn't create elements that expose the DOM accessors.

@legastero I want to make node-xmpp-core/client/component/server parser-element interface configurable

I already made StreamParser from node-xmpp-core configurable

@legastero would that work for you?

EDIT oh but you don't use node-xmpp client/server/component right?

That would work, thanks!

I do use node-xmpp-component with jxt-xmpp.