
very slow upload/download speeds using Synology QNAP Docker instance

nickdiacre opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Up and down speeds are from 0-100KBps


  • Docker: 20.10.3
  • Docker Compose (if used) (docker-compose --version): 1.27.4, build 40524192
  • Image Name: otherguy/dropbox:latest
  • Image ID: 8654ae888671

I have this up and running but the download speeds are very slow. Is there anyway I can carry out a speed test within the container. Network runs at 500meg down, 250meg up.

Qnap TS-H1283XU-RP NAS.


Thanks for the report!

Could you please run the normal Dropbox client and compare speeds? In my experience these up- and download speeds are pretty normal.

Please also try using the throttle command of Dropbox:

$ dropbox throttle
set bandwidth limits for Dropbox
dropbox throttle DOWNLOAD UPLOAD

Set bandwidth limits for file sync.

DOWNLOAD - either "unlimited" or a manual limit in KB/s
UPLOAD - one of "unlimited", "auto", or a manual limit in KB/s

Inside the container you would run it like this:

$ docker exec [dropbox-container-name] gosu dropbox dropbox throttle unlimited unlimited

Additionally, how exactly did you start the container (full command)? Are you using --network=host? If not, this could give you some additional speed.

the container is started using --network=host, it is started using container station but it was initially run from the cli using the --network=host option [otherwise it was as per your readme.md.

I can't really see what the current sync speed is on my windows machine, the new version of the app doesn't appear to show it

Thank you for the reply!

I’m not a Windows user so I won’t be of much help, but there are various tools that can show the bandwidth used by an app!

Did you try the throttle command?

@nickdiacre did you get around to trying my suggestions?

huh, I am a bit confused now, as I am getting 2meg speeds, which is much better, but its been stuck on the same file numbers for days:

Uploading 2,920,232 files...
Downloading 2,943,884 files...
Syncing 5,974,357 files • 3 hrs

Wondering how/why it's stuck and maybe thats why the speeds were slow.

That is entirely possible. I have the same issue when I'm syncing lots of small files.

Unfortunately, that is not something I can change with this Docker image -- it's still only using the official Linux Dropbox client. Your best bet is contacting Dropbox support and asking them, or asking in the Dropbox community forums.