
[BUG] Error when connecting a new account

samuelvaneck opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Describe the bug
When connecting a new account to the Dropbox with the docker container I get an error:

Dropbox needs to rename your existing folder or file named Dropbox to finish installing. Please close any open documents and try again.

I was able to get arround the issue by not updating Dropbox as startup using the DROPBOX_SKIP_UPDATE environment variable.


  • Docker version`; 20.10.8
  • Docker Compose: v2.0.0
  • Image Name: otherguy/dropbox:1.9.0

Run Command:
Run the container with a docker-compose up:

version: "2.1"
    image: otherguy/dropbox:1.9.0
    container_name: dropbox
      TZ: 'Europe/Amsterdam'
      DROPBOX_GID: 1004
      DROPBOX_UID: 1000
      - '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone'
      - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime'
      - '/Users/user/Dropbox:/opt/dropbox/Dropbox'
      - './settings:/opt/dropbox/.dropbox'
    restart: always
    mem_limit: 4G

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Also seeing this issue, the image ships with Dropbox 131.x, downloaded 134.x and got that error, using the SKIP_UPDATE env var got past that as well.

I was able to overcome the problem.
without updateing, I think the problem is different, this one: https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Dropbox-installs-integrations/Unable-to-start-dropbox-in-Ubuntu-20-04/td-p/545671

After updating to 135.4.4221, I had the error as in the describtion of the bug.

To make it work, I change the home directory in /etc/passwd for user dropbox to point into /opt/dropbox/Dropbox. It makes that volume you mount has a directory within Dropbox, but the application itself seems to work. I will write Dockerfile for myself that creates a fixed image, but I don't know whether it is actual fix or rather workaround...

Just for the record, I tried also, but didn't work:

  1. mounting different FS volumes to /opt/dropbox/Dropbox
  2. changing the permissions of /tmp (which is non-writable), but helped to get info about the error without update

@marqsbla I've added you fix and works fine. I've modified the docker-entrypoint.sh added this line when setting the dropbox account.

usermod -d /opt/dropbox/Dropbox dropbox
chown dropbox:$(id -gn dropbox) /opt/dropbox/Dropbox -R

I'm pretty sure, I left my dockerfile here, but it is not here :)

FROM otherguy/dropbox:latest
RUN usermod -d /opt/dropbox/Dropbox dropbox && \
    chmod 777 /tmp/

Having the same issue as above.
If I make a image with above fix, dropbox keeps restarting itself.
I get the following error in the end,
/docker-entrypoint.sh: line 115: 45 Killed gosu dropbox "$@"

Mm it seems
/docker-entrypoint.sh: line 115: 45 Killed gosu dropbox "$@"

Is being done every period the polling is set to, in my case 20 seconds
Anyone else having this issue?

Having the same issue as above. If I make a image with above fix, dropbox keeps restarting itself. I get the following error in the end, /docker-entrypoint.sh: line 115: 45 Killed gosu dropbox "$@"

same issue

Mm it seems

/docker-entrypoint.sh: line 115: 45 Killed gosu dropbox "$@"

Is being done every period the polling is set to, in my case 20 seconds

Anyone else having this issue?

I had the same issue after a while running the containers. I didn't find any other stable fix. What if done now is use image 1.9.0 at first startup with DROPBOX_SKIP_UPDATE environment variable set. Then stop the container and remove the environment variable to update Dropbox to the latest version.

It's a workaround but is running stable. We are moving to a different overal solution. We have decided yet which solution.

Any suggestions experience with other good dockerized solutions?