
Commenting JSX makes line JavaScript instead of JSX breaking context aware commenting

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In the following code:

const React = require("react");

export default () => (
    {/* <h1>Hello World!</h1> */}

When testing with mxw/vim-jsx and pangloss/vim-javascript the line with the jsx comment is labelled a jsxChild. Combined with othree/yajs.vim (which has way nicer highlighting ๐Ÿ‘ ) the line becomes javaScriptBraces. This means my context aware commenting plugin adds {/* */}, but upon requesting to uncomment does nothing, or worse, when requesting to toggle the comment, comments again, making it // {/* */} as it 'correctly' recognized the JavaScript syntax was not yet commented as {/* */} is only a comment in JSX.

Related issue tomtom/tcomment_vim#248 in tcomment that has some screenshots.

I know parsing JSX is a pain in the butt, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. Commenting I'm noticing is quite frequently used in UI work.

Thanks for an awesome plugin ๐Ÿ™ .

yuezk commented

Hi @alextes, try to replace mxw/jsx with vim-jsx-pretty. It works well with the test case you provided if you use the tpope/vim-commentary plugin.

I will try to find a way to fix the problem with tcomment.