
This is the Laravel Library for DANA Payment API

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel DANACore Packages

This Laravel wrapper/library for DANA Payment API. Visit https://dana.id for more information about the product and see documentation at https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs for more technical details.


1. You can install the package via composer.

composer require otnansirk/laravel-dana

2. Optional : The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your configs/app.php file.

'providers' => [
    // ...

3. You should publish the config/dana.php config file with this php artisan command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Otnansirk\Dana\DanaCoreServiceProvider"

How to Use

All configuration are stored in config/dana.php. Customize everything you need.


1. Create order | DANAPay::createOrder($orderData)

$orderData = [
    "order" => [
        "orderTitle" => "Dummy product",
        "orderAmount" => [
            "currency" => "IDR",
            "value" => "100"
        "merchantTransId" => "201505080001",
        "merchantTransType" => "dummy transaction type",
        "orderMemo" => "Memo",
        "goods" => [
                "merchantGoodsId" => "24525635625623",
                "description" => "dummy description",
                "category" => "dummy category",
                "price" => [
                    "currency" => "IDR",
                    "value" => "100"
                "unit" => "Kg",
                "quantity" => "3.2",
                "merchantShippingId" => "564314314574327545",
                "snapshotUrl" => "[http://snap.url.com]",
                "extendInfo" => [
                    "key" => "value",
    "merchantId" => "216820000000006553000",
    "subMerchantId" => "12345678",
    "productCode" => "51051000100000000001"


About all possible payloads for $orderData please check the official DANA documentation.
Ref: https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/read/33

2. Get Transaction by acquirementId | DANAPay::queryOrder($acquirementId);

$acquirementId = "20240125111212800110166050101920928";

You can get transaction detail and status transaction with this method
Ref: https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/read/42

3. Get oAuth URL | DANAPay::generateOauthUrl($terminalType, $redirectUrl);

$terminalType = "WEB";
$redirectUrl  = "https://your-app-url.com/oauth/callback";
DANAPay::generateOauthUrl($terminalType, $redirectUrl);

For more information please check the official DANA documentation.
Ref: https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/read/47

4. Get Token and Refresh Token | DANAPay::getToken($authToken)

$authToken = "your-auth-token";

You can get value of $authToken from oAuth callback process.
From this function you will receive token and refresh_token.
Ref: https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/read/32

5. Get User Profile | DANAPay::profile($accessToken)

$accessToken = "your_user_profile_access_token";

You can get value for $accessToken from DANAPay::getToken function
Ref: https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/read/38

6. Unbinding Access Token | DANAPay::unBindAllAccount()


This function used for revoke or unbind all access token registered from the merchant.
Ref: https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/read/46

7. Function for provide callback response

$status = true;

This function will generate valid response for DANA API.
$status is boolean data type.

8. Function for calculation MDR

$payAmount = 100000;
$payMethod = 'BALANCE';
DANACalculation::calculateMDR($payAmount, $payMethod);

This function will calculate MDR fee for DANA. You will get value $payMethod and $payAmount from callback DANA.


This project is far from perfect. many DANA APIs that have not been implemented. I would be very happy if any of you could contribute for this project.