
Cannot find the symbol : method_name

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey, I'm trying to configure it to generate ctags for my full bundle. I messed with the options like so:

    "ctags": {
        "executePath": "/Users/kasper/.rbenv/shims/ripper-tags",
        "options": "--tag-file=tags --recursive --force --exclude=/assets/ --exclude=.bundle --exclude=.git/ --exclude=coverage/ --exclude=.arcanist-extensions/ --exclude=log/ --exclude=tmp/ --exclude=bin/ $(bundle list --paths)",
        "fileName": "tags"

it generates the tags file fine, but then when i try to do a lookup, it correctly finds the source file:

but then when i press enter:


this happens for all methods, including those directly in the project path.

let me understand what you are trying to do...
the config for the ripper-tags executePath looks ok but in the options I think the following command is not valid: "$(bundle list --paths)"
If you are trying to make the tags for your entire bundle gems just remove the config "--exclude=.bundle". This just will work if you are using the bundle config to install gems per projects as the following example:

put the following configuration inside the file ~/.bundle/config:

BUNDLE_PATH: ".bundle/gems"

let me know about your environment too because I just tested this extension over a linux environment...

Gave up on vscode a long time ago, forgot about this.