Unable to close menu.
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Deleted user commented
Once I open the menu I am unable to close it.
My main function:
std::shared_ptr<fgui::container> window;
window = std::make_shared<fgui::container>();
fgui::element_font font;
ADD_WINDOW(window, 10, 10, "fgui", 1280, 720, VK_INSERT, font, true);
REGISTER_CURSOR(fgui::cursor_type::ARROW, fgui::input_state::UNLOCKED);
My key state function:
return g_InputSystem->IsButtonDown(g_InputSystem->VirtualKeyToButtonCode(key));
I've tried to debug handler.cc but I can't find why the window state won't unset.
otvv commented
This shouldn't happen with your "key state" code.
Also, you don't need to initialize the window, since the macro "ADD_WINDOW" does it for you. I'm 50% sure, that this is the cause of this glitch. Feel free to contact me on Discord if the problem persists.
Deleted user commented
Solution was to not call the macros every frame.