
Google backdrop without the Chromecast built in message


Google backdrop without the Chromecast built in message, also kind of fixes the home integration, it's a bit flaky but working~.



Using apk-patcher

yarn global add apk-patcher
apk-patcher -i path/to/backdrop.apk -p path/to/dir/containing/patches

Or standalone


The backdrop apk is simply a wrapper around a webview which hits https://clients3.google.com/cast/chromecast/home?iv=atv In the case of androidtv (chromecast built-in) all we need to do is remove the iv=atv parameter to remove the chromecast messaging.

However, there's also a local server for interacting with the Google home settings, without this server we end up stuck with only featured photos. Luckily the server is available it's just being blocked by the new android P security rules for clear text traffic, we can fix that by adding a domain allow rule for localhost