
Search in Header not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for your theme, is very nice.

Describe the bug
Search field give no results

To Reproduce

  1. type Filename
  2. Click on 'Search'
  3. nothing happens

Expected behavior
give results

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: w 10
  • Browser Chrome/FF/IE
  • Version latest

Hi, I'm not sure what you are talking about. In fact, there is no search button to click on. Could you please provide a non-working instance of apaxy?

The filter field is not a search engine, it is just a filtering field to filter wich files should be displayed or not.

i got on Linux mounted some windows share and i think that is the problem why that not working ...

sorry ofc there is no search... I think Filter not working on mounted smb shares ...

Could you please test with a volume that is not a windows share, just to be sure?

I'm closing the issue as there is no response from @kokotko1337.

Feel free to reopen the issue if you feel this is needed.