
Show current path

mfnalex opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi :)

In the default apache2 Autoindex, the current directory is displayed at the top, however it's missing in apaxy and I couldn't find a way to enable it. Is it somehow possible to get the current path shown at the top?

I don't understand why you say that the current directory is missing:


Can you please explain me why do you think there is something wrong?

Sorry, I actually the meant the "path" to the directory. E.g. /folder1/folder2/currentfolder

Yes, the path to the directory appears at the top of the windows. See the following screenshot:


I still don't understand your issue.

Can you tell me if I get your issue wrong, or if you have not seen it?

I downloaded the latest release from GitHub without changing anything, and I do not see the the directory.


The breadcrumb is generated by a piece of javascript located in apaxy.js. This javascript file is loaded at the end of the footer.html. Your problem might be that this javascript file is not loaded.

Have you followed the install guide?

update all instances of paths marked with {FOLDERNAME} to point to your site root

Thanks, I forgot to edit the footer.html.