
Can't get Header and Footer to load!

Closed this issue · 6 comments

screenshot 2016-08-20 10 23 36

i am using Wampserver 3, Apache version is in the screenshot.

By having:

HeaderName theme/header.html
ReadmeName theme/footer.html

In your htaccess file should fix this

@akacross Did @ScottSmudger solve this for you?

pcav commented

I do have it, but only standard header and footer is displayed:
Thanks for any hint.

pcav commented

Strangely enough, on another install head and foot work. Maybe there are permission issues, I have to check. I'll report back for the record as soon as I get it.

Issue seems fixed.

I'm closing it.

pcav commented

-rw-r--r-- 1 paolo paolo 861 Jan 29 16:35 footer.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 paolo paolo 159 Feb 18 20:38 header.html