
Can't change <title> without using +SuppressHTMLPreamble which breaks style

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As above, I believe +SuppressHTMLPreamble prevents some of the HTML that apaxy extends from being generated in the first place meaning the page does not render correctly at all, are there plans to update apaxy to not be reliant on the default html so we can change the <title> tags?

I did not understood your issue. Could you please explain it once again?

Basically I want to change the <title> value of the directory. If I add a <title> to header.html it doesn't work as it actually appears in the body of the document. I cannot use IndexHeadInsert as this just appends another <title> to the header.. Is there anyway to change the title in apaxy?

I tested to reproduce your problem, and I can't see any easy way to achieve what you want to.

As you said, adding the title tag to header.html adds it in the body.

Using the IndexHeadInsert directive just appends another title tag to the header, which is ignored by the browser as it is the second title tag.

Maybe you can report in header.html the beginning of the default header that you remove when you use the SuppressHTMLPreamble directive.

Yes this is what I originally did, but using SuppressHTMLPreamble seems to break Apaxy in my tests.

Ok, no problem, I wasn't closing the correct tags in the footer.html file. All sorted, thank you :)