
Log monitor not working

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I've just re-installed LBB and have noticed that it doesn't seem to be generating a .log file.

Screenshot 2022-12-04 220249

After boot lbb generates an empty logfile and sets the first entry: "Little Backup Box". Did you click on Refresh?

I'd tried starting a transfer job (USB - USB) and it works fine. There was no log file generated though.
Also tried to refresh and download the log. No result from either.

This was an update that was overwritten over an older version of LBB (not sure which version)
Output of ls -la /var/www/little-backup-box/tmp/little-backup-box.log is below.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 337 Dec 5 20:19 /var/www/little-backup-box/tmp/little-backup-box.log

I've just set up the pi again from scratch and completed a fresh install of LBB. All is working and the log is now visible.
Seems as though trying to update from an older version of LBB using the installer script didn't work properly.
Thanks for your help.