Use taggable dynamic content in other field dependsOn dynamically
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Hope someone know the solution or some update needed. Thanks in advance.
I have two fields, one to define list of possible choices, second to choose right answer.
Sadly when adding dynamic taggable values to the first field, second does not receive changed event.
Multiselect::make(('tr.task_choice_options'), 'choice_choices')->hide()->taggable()->saveAsJSON()
function ($field, $request, $formData) {
if ($formData->task_type === TaskTypeEnum::Choice) {
Multiselect::make(('tr.task_choice_options'), 'choice_choice')->hide()->singleSelect()
function ($field, $request, $formData) {
if ($formData->task_type === TaskTypeEnum::Choice) {
Please can you watch for this. I think that is easy to fix because when you removing option with taggable the change event is firing, not working only when adding new tags.
still needed :( checked that current version sends only first change so only first item dynamically entered will be available to select on other multiselect :(
any chances to make it work?