
Translate Outreachy sample tweets

sagesharp opened this issue · 11 comments

This is a meta issue. We could use people translating the sample tweets and sample email about the Outreachy internships to other languages.

We know we get many applicants from:

  • Brazil - Brazilian Portuguese is needed
  • India
  • Russia
  • Germany

You can see statistics on where applicants came from on this blog post

Hi @sagesharp, I can translate the texts to Portuguese and send them here to review.

@yogmel Yes, please! You can add a file called sample-tweets-LANGUAGE.txt in the same directory. Feel free to send a PR and reference this issue.

Hello @sagesharp,I am from India.So,which language shall I translate to?

@naba7 Which languages do you speak? I think Hindi is one of the most common languages. Others are listed here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_India

hey! sorry for late reply. Yes,I can speak Hindi and Odia

So shall I translate it to Hindi or Odia?

I would like to contribute to any of the above listed language translations but I don't understand/speak any of those languages. Is it okay if I rely on google translation to translate it?

@gconnect Please only translate to a language you speak. Google translate is often not accurate, especially when it comes to cultural nuances like how to translate the word "genderqueer". You're welcome to translate resources to a different language than the ones listed above.

this issue is still active can i contribute to convert it in hindi @sagesharp

i would like to translate it in french if accepted
just requesting @sagesharp i will be waiting if yes i will
thank you

Hi @sagesharp I am from Nigeria, and I would like to translate the sample tweets and sample email about the Outreachy internships 2024 to Hausa, a language spoken among 80 million people, both among Nigerians and none Nigerians.