
This SDK isn't in sync wtith the current API docs on the website

salcedo opened this issue · 5 comments

The API docs on https://app.outscraper.com/api-docs mention maps/search-v3

There is no google_maps_search_v3() nor use of maps/search-v3 in the SDK.
google_maps_search() method calls maps/search-v2

ETA on fix?

maps/search-v3 and maps/search-v2 are the same.
What is the actual problem that you have apart from spotting this inconsistency?

If google_maps_search() method is using maps/search-v2 (aka v3) it should take the parameters listed in the API docs (e.g. coordinates), but it does not.

I see, what specific parameter do you need?

Needed the coordinates parameter. We got it now. Thanks.

class OutscraperClient:
    _api_url = "https://api.app.outscraper.com"
    _api_headers = {}

    def __init__(self, api_key: str) -> None:
        self._api_headers = {"X-API-KEY": api_key, "client": "Python SDK"}

    def google_maps_search_v3(
        query: Union[list, str],
        limit: int = 20,
        drop_duplicates: bool = False,
        coordinates: str = None,
        skip_places: int = 0,
        language: str = "en",
        region: str = None,
        enrichment: list = None,
        fields: Union[list, str] = None,
        # async_request: bool = False,
        ui: bool = False,
        # webhook: str = None,
    ) -> Union[list, dict]:
        # queries = as_list(query)
        # wait_async = async_request or (len(queries) > 10 and limit > 1)

        params = {
            "query": as_list(query),
            "limit": limit,
            "dropDuplicates": "true" if drop_duplicates else "false",
            "skipPlaces": skip_places,
            "language": language,
            # "async": "true" if async_request else "false",
            "async": "false",
            "ui": "true" if ui else "false",

        if coordinates:
            params["coordinates"] = coordinates
        if region:
            params["region"] = region
        if enrichment:
            params["enrichment"] = as_list(enrichment)
        if fields:
            params["field"] = as_list(fields)
        # if webhook:
        #     params["webhook"] = webhook

        response = requests.get(
            f"{self._api_url}/maps/search-v3", headers=self._api_headers, params=params
        if 199 < response.status_code < 300:
            return response.json().get("data", [])
            raise Exception(f"Outscraper response status code: {response.status_code}")

Ok, updating to v5.0.0 version.
Thank you!