
Build deduplicate fails

polyzos opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, so im trying to package with sbt-assembly and i run at the following error

[error] (kafkaConsumer / assembly) deduplicate: different file contents found in the following:
[error] /home/ipolyzos/.ivy2/cache/io.netty/netty-handler/jars/netty-handler-4.0.56.Final.jar:META-INF/io.netty.versions.properties
[error] /home/ipolyzos/.ivy2/cache/io.netty/netty-transport/jars/netty-transport-4.0.56.Final.jar:META-INF/io.netty.versions.properties
[error] /home/ipolyzos/.ivy2/cache/io.netty/netty-codec/jars/netty-codec-4.0.56.Final.jar:META-INF/io.netty.versions.properties
[error] Total time: 3 s, completed Mar 10, 2019 12:29:41 PM

These are my dependencies

lazy val dependencies =
  new {
    val thriftV         = "0.12.0"
    val logbackV        = "1.2.3"
    val scalaLoggingV   = "3.9.2"
    val kafkaV          = "1.1.0"
    val typesafeconfigV = "1.3.2"
    val phantomV        = "2.37.0"
    val akkaV           = "2.5.21"

    val thrift          = "org.apache.thrift"           % "libthrift"       % thriftV
    val logback         = "ch.qos.logback"              % "logback-classic" % logbackV
    val scalaLogging    = "com.typesafe.scala-logging"  %% "scala-logging"  % scalaLoggingV
    val kafka           = "org.apache.kafka"            %% "kafka"          % kafkaV
    val typesafeConfig  = "com.typesafe"                % "config"          % typesafeconfigV
    val phantom         = "com.outworkers"              %% "phantom-dsl"   % phantomV //exclude("io.netty","netty-buffer")
    val akka            = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaV


and added this

assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
  case x if x.endsWith("io.netty.versions.properties") => MergeStrategy.first
  case x =>
    val oldStrategy = (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value

But nothing seems to work.

It seems to be an issue with multiproject build.. if i remove the project that uses the dependency and make it a standalone project addind the mergestrategy builds the jar correctly. I don't know though why it fails in multi-builds.


assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly <<= (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly) { (old) =>
  case PathList("META-INF", "io.netty.versions.properties") => MergeStrategy.last
  case x => old(x)

@alexflav23 This won't work either
First of all the <<= operator is removed and when i use the new syntax i get the same error.
For some reason this happens only in multi-project builds

I think you can replicate if you create a mulproject sbt.
add the phantom dependency lets say only on the first one. If you try sbt-assembly it will fail with the deduplicate error, but then u create module-1 as a standalone project it won't.
(Adding the merging strategy in both versions of course)