
Interested to join forces?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I just stumbled upon your project.

We're building something similar:

We made lots of progress with

  • graph change tracking and query reduction (renesca)
  • data modeling using scala macros (renesca-magic)

but are lacking some other stuff you seem to focus on:

  • non-blocking IO
  • type safe query DSL

Are you interested to join forces and/or share some code?

Happy developing!

Hi @fdietze,

Many thanks for considering us, it sounds like a really good idea, however it would be good to understand how you see a collaboration unfolding going forward and what the logistics of that would be. Perhaps it's worth discussing those via email for confidentiality and efficiency purposes.

There are also some overlapping concerns between our projects, such your macro approach to typesafety and so forth, something we address in a very different manner without macros. Let us know what you think and we look forward to hear from you!
