Starten unterbinden bei Bots wie Google
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Ich denke, man würde einer guten Indexierung entgegegen kommen, wenn man das Laden des Banners bei Bots wie von Google (optional) unterbindet. Wenn möglich auch schon die Auslieferung des JS.
@zonky2 Are you talking about technical SEO right now?
Do I understand correctly that you want to eliminate the serving of JavaScript for tools like Pagespeed Insights?
I am not sure if this would still yield good results.
You could make the cookiebar load above or below the body tag.
Most sites I've optimized on the technical side score 100/100 on Pagespeed Insights even though they have the cookiebar and many plugins installed.
Could you provide more information on this issue?
Could you provide more information on this issue?
yes, I'll try this again and gather information - maybe the question would be better off in the forum....
This could be discussed within