An R package to create nice looking output for CFA and SEM analyses using lavaan and semPlot packages
lavaan package to run CFA and SEM analyses
semPlot package to display model diagrams
sjPlot package to print correlation tables
Use a single function sem_tables()
to display nice looking output from a lavaan model.
The package contains an RMarkdwon template that makes it very easy to run CFA and SEM analyses in R and create nice looking output.
Once you install the package, you will be able to access the R Markdown template by going to:
File -> New File -> R Markdown... -> From Template -> CFA/SEM (lavaan)
lavaan syntax is very intuitive to use and is documented with useful tutorials
# Specify the model parameters using intuitive syntax to write out equations
model <- '
# latent factors
f1 =~ v1 + v2 + v3
f2 =~ v4 + v5 + v6
f3 =~ v7 + v8 + v9
# correlated errors
v5 ~~ v6
v7 ~~ v8
# Run a latent variable analysis
fit <- cfa(model, data = data, missing = "ML", = FALSE)
# Print styled tables