
Identity box changes

NomDeMorte opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Latest nightly has made significant change within thte URL bar, including identity-box. Colour for padlock icon is incorrect:


Apart from the padlock, I'm not seeing anything else that looks out of place.

A manual fix: line 1218 of userChrome.css, replace



#connection-icon, #identity-icon,

Yep colour-wise and in the context of shadowfox currently, only that padlock icon I mentioned is an issue.

I only mention the other changes because there have actually been quite a few over the past nightlies and one could reasonably anticipate that this padlock icon may not be the only one that will change. In other words: They're re-doing the entire url-bar so maybe this is just the first thing they break for SF.

As I suspected - the tracking protection icon has now changed colour also.

The identity popup has changed today.

Old code:

#identity-popup-permissions-content {
  background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;base64........
.identity-popup-security-content {
  background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,..........

Causes these images to be repeated covering the whole background. Stopping the repeat works, but then the images are misaligned. The following looks OK as a quick workaround but it could use some attention.

#identity-popup-permissions-content {
  background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;base64...................
  background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
  background-position: 2px 12px !important;
.identity-popup-security-content {
  background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,.................
  background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
  background-position: 2px 12px !important;

By the way, when changing this I had some trouble which led me to notice something which is syntactically allowable but somewhat inconsistent. There are quite a few lines which are not closed with a semicolon but are followed with a closed bracket. Of course, the semicolon is redundant with the bracket following it, but the lines with the base64 encoded images show exactly why it's nice to have that redundancy - because someone editing the code and placing a line between the unterminated line without the semicolon, and the bracket, cannot see that the line is not terminated with a semicolon, because they cannot see the end of the line:


Up to you, but me personally, I'd be doing a quick search and replace on all those !important without the semicolons after them....

The identity box now uses the ::before pseudo-element to apply a badge image to the padlock icon.

There is also some new spacing and a new separator added.

The changes just keep coming.........

#identity-popup-permissions-content, .identity-popup-security-content {
  background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
  background-position: 2px 12px !important;

paste on end in userChrome.css.