
Known compatibility issues

thelindat opened this issue · 0 comments


  • All weapon/ammo systems are incompatible.
  • Other inventory systems are incompatible (e.g. es_extended, esx_addoninventory, qb-inventory).


  • ESX.PlayerData.inventory uses ox_inventory data.
    • for i and ipairs iterators won't work as items are stored by slotId rather than as an array.
    • Only items the player has are stored in inventory, whereas ESX normally stores data for all items.
  • Loadouts and pickups are disabled.
  • Many events are not loaded when using ox_inventory.
    • (server) esx:giveInventoryItem
    • (server) esx:removeInventoryItem
    • (server) esx:useItem
    • (server) esx:onPickup


  • QB.Shared.Items is unsupported.
  • No qb-inventory events are handled,
  • Not all qb-inventory exports are being handled or overwritten.
  • Item metadata is not displayed on the tooltip by default. Use displayMetadata