
server needs to be 6116 or higher

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Issue checklist

Please put x inside of the box that matches your issue.

  • [X ] I am using the latest release
  • [X ] I have referenced previously reported issues
  • [ X] I have referenced available documentation and cannot resolve the issue
  • [ -] I'm certain this is an issue with oxymysql, and not with my resource

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
[ c-resources-core] Resource 'ox_inventory' can't run:
[ c-resources-core] 1. server needs to be 6116 or higher
[ c-resources-core] Could not start dependency ox_inventory for resource wasabi_oxshops.

But i put the server alr on 6116 or higher

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    -- If applicable, include the query and relevant code

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Additional context
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Server details

  • FXServer artifact
  • Operating system

Database details

  • MariaDB or MySQL MYSQL
  • Version