
Error -111: connect ECONNREFUSED

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Anyone know how to fix "Error -111: connect ECONNREFUSED"

using the latest version just use the non latest i spend nearly a hour & fixed it

How is downgrading a "fix"? If you have a reproducible issue and can actually provide information then I can do something about it, however nothing has changed with connections or the underlying driver used to connect to the mysql server.

-- i've seen alot of people with the issue

The only other person (singular) that has recently reported ECONNREFUSED resolved it by changing their connection string (https://overextended.dev/oxmysql/issues#unable-to-establish-a-connection). Nothing changed with connection string handling, so it doesn't explain why there would be an issue on the recent release - not that you bothered saying which one supposedly works.

Generally the issue is

  • firewall
  • incorrect address/port
  • no server is available