
Your terminal doesn't support cursor position requests (CPR).

CodeWithEmad opened this issue · 3 comments

How to reproduce:

run tutor dev start (without -d) and logs will be printed in the terminal
add a breakpoint to your code and call that part:

tutor_dev-lms-1            | > /openedx/requirements/edspirit/console/views.py(1234)some_func()
tutor_dev-lms-1            |      923             breakpoint()
tutor_dev-lms-1            | -->  924             course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_key_string)
tutor_dev-lms-1            |      925             course_details = CourseDetails.fetch(course_key)
tutor_dev-lms-1            | WARNING: your terminal doesn't support cursor position requests (CPR).

OS: Ubuntu 2022.04
tutor 16.1.7
I'm using ZShell, but tested it on Bash.

Yes, that's normal behaviour. You should run tutor dev start -d && tutor dev start lms to attach to the lms container: https://docs.tutor.edly.io/dev.html#debugging-with-breakpoints

You're absolutely right! I used the breakpoint with tutor before but forgot about it.
Do you think having something like: "You have to run in detached mode tutor dev start -d and then start your service with tutor dev start" in the debugging section will clarify that part?

If you think the documentation could be clarified, then by all means please open a PR :)