
SequelizeHierarchyError: Parent does not exist

HenonoaH opened this issue · 0 comments

@overlookmotel Looks like there is a problem with setParent() When I tried to add parent I also ran into this issue.

Code that I used to create the parent

            where: { uniqueId: uniqueId }
        }).then(user => {
            if (user) {
                const userHierarchy = new UserHierarchy();
                userHierarchy.setParent(user).then(data => {

UserHierarchy model

import sequelize from 'sequelize';
import sequelizeHierarchy from 'sequelize-hierarchy';

const Sequelize = sequelizeHierarchy(sequelize);

class UserHierarchy extends Sequelize.Model {
    static init(sequelize, { INTEGER }) {
        return super.init(
                userId: INTEGER
                hierarchy: {
                    freezeTableName: true
                createdAt: 'createdOn',
                updatedAt: 'updatedOn',
                freezeTableName: true

export default UserHierarchy;

I may be missing small things over here. It could be great if you suggest to me what am missing.