Type error: Argument 1 passed to Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager::formatConfig() must be of the type array, null given, called in /.../vendor/overtrue/socialite/src/SocialiteManager.php on line 149
rbenvenuto opened this issue · 1 comments
rbenvenuto commented
I know there is another Issue opened with this same error, but i still can't solve it.
After the user authorizes my App into his/her Facebook, is redirected to this error.
Type error: Argument 1 passed to Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager::formatConfig() must be of the type array, null given, called in /.../vendor/overtrue/socialite/src/SocialiteManager.php on line 149
I noticed the overtrue/laravel-socialite/config.php
file is empty.
Is there some configuration file missing?
I already tried:
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan config:cache
But none worked, what should i do?
Laravel Framework 5.4.32
gozhhu commented
how to solve it? thx @rbenvenuto