0.19.9 / mc 1.19.2 | View of cropped render is cut off around y = 0 at the southern corner.
HowDenKing opened this issue · 1 comments
With the lower world bounds, it seems like the crop feature has not yet been adjusted for the deeper worlds.
the world cuts off around the old bedrock layer for the southernmost point of the render.
/edit: removing the crop renders the tip fine, but also renders the rest of the world.
Settings used for this render:
"rendermode": [Base(), EdgeLines(), SmoothLighting()],
"dimension": "overworld",
"maxzoom": "-3",
"crop": (176, -176, -161, 191),
"center": [0,64,0],
The main README states ..
PLEASE NOTE: Overviewer is currently unmaintained. PRs will not be merged and issues will not be addressed. The website and repository will remain online and accessible.
Instead please use the new working (“successor”) version of Overviewer supporting 1.20 worlds and textures.