
potential quota miscalculation in managed Kubernetes in public cloud

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Describe the bug

When adding three B2-7 worker nodes with 7GB RAM each to a managed K8s in public cloud in the Frankfurt region with an initial quota of 21GB RAM it will fail.

case 1: (Creating a complete new managed K8s cluster)
When trying to create a new cluster with 3x B2-7 worker nodes (7GB RAM each) it will just fail and it seems that nothing happens. But in fact the manager will try to spawn the cluster without notice anyway.

case 2: (Adding a third worker to an existing 2 node K8s cluster)
I created a 2 node K8s cluster with 2x B2-7 nodes and afterwards tried to add a third B2-7 node. This operation will fail with the message: "Your project’s RAM quota is too low to perform the operation." Although having a quota of 21GB RAM (7GB unused).

Steps To Reproduce

Case 1)

  1. Create a new project in public cloud
  2. Klick on "Create a Kubernetes Cluster"
  3. Fill out all questions
    • Region: Frankfurt
    • Version: 1.27
    • Private Network: none
    • Node Type: B2-7
    • Pool Size: 3 (without auto scaling)
    • Billing: Monthly + Anti Affinity
    • Name your cluster: somename
  4. Klick on "Send
  5. It will fail with an error and it seems that nothing is done.
  6. Go to "Managed Kubernetes Service" and see there is a cluster spawning

Case 2)

  1. Create a new project in public cloud
  2. Klick on "Create a Kubernetes Cluster"
  3. Fill out all questions
    • Region: Frankfurt
    • Version: 1.27
    • Private Network: none
    • Node Type: B2-7
    • Pool Size: 2 (without auto scaling)
    • Billing: Monthly + Anti Affinity
    • Name your cluster: somename
  4. Klick on "Send
  5. You will get a positive feedback
  6. Go to Manages Kubernetes Overview and see there is a cluster spawning with 2 nodes.
  7. Wait for it to be spawned completely
  8. Klick on the Cluster name and "Node Pools" and "Configure Node pool size"
  9. Increase the number of nodes to 3 and hit "save"
  10. Receive the error message of too small quota (see pictures below)




Expected Behavior

When having a quota of 21 GB RAM it is expected to fit 3 workers with 7 GB RAM each into this quota.

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Edit: added separators for the pictures to better distinguish them

Little Followup: Creating a third VM B2-7 via horizon is possible, but this does not help in scaling up the managed Kubernetes.