
VOIP - QOS issues

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I have OTB for aggregating 4G + ADSL
On previous versions of overthebox, I managed to make the VOIP work perfectly.
I juste created a QOS CLASS telling to use ONLY ADSL
It was the only way to make VOIP work flawlessly

Since the 0.6-24 auto update, everything is broken again.
The DSCP menu doesn't allow me to "edit" or "add" a class.
I can only add rules with predefined classes
How can I edit my own class ?
How can I tell VOIP to exclusively use the ADSL connection

I understand this is not what the OTB is for.
OTB is flawless for web/mail etc ... but I can't get the VOIP work otherwise.
We are a lawfirm with 7 VOIP phone and we need to find a solution quickly

Thanks for your answers

Best regards

If you want to route non TCP traffic through an interface, you can add a rule to your network config.
Let's say you want to route everything going to via wan1.

First of all you need to get the table used for wan1, you can use this command:

root@OverTheBox:~# uci get network.wan1.ip4table

Then you have to add a rule to your network config (/etc/config/network):

config rule
        option dest   ''
        option lookup '201'

Once this rule is added, all your traffic towards will go through wan1.