
[FEATURE] Backup Volume

yakzazazord opened this issue · 1 comments


It would be interesting to have the possibility to create from the get go a Volume Backup from a Block Storage Volume

Affected Resource(s) and/or Data Source(s)

  • ovh_xx_xx
  • ovh_xx_xx

Potential Terraform Configuration

resource "openstack_backup_volume_v3" "backup_1" {
name = "backup_from"
disk_to_backup_from_id = "openstack_blockstorage_volume_v3.volume_1.uuid"


Additional context

Nothing just to have the possibility to backup block storage volume attached (or not ) to a Public Instance, as the Backup Instance Workflow is already possible but only covers the system disk and not the additionnal attached disk(s).

As you suggested this could be implemented by a workflow that targets a block storage.
This feature request on the roadmap ovh/public-cloud-roadmap#518 seems to answer the same need.
Can you confirm this is the case ?