
[FEATURE] Add support for getting/updating the boot script

pawelbeza opened this issue · 0 comments


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please leave a brief description of the requested change.

Affected Resource(s) and/or Data Source(s)

  • ovh_dedicated_server_update
  • ovh_dedicated_server

Potential Terraform Configuration

data "ovh_dedicated_server_boots" "rescue" {
  service_name = ""
  boot_type    = "rescue"
  kernel       = "rescue64-pro"

resource "ovh_dedicated_server_update" "server" {
  service_name = ""
  boot_script  = "TEST SCRIPT"
  monitoring   = true
  state        = "ok"

If this request was implemented, what might the Terraform configuration look like? A best guess is helpful, even if you're unsure of exactly what the end result will look like. This helps maintainers and the community better understand how you (someone who is in need of this feature) envisions it.

Additional context

Add any other context, HCL configuration or screenshots about the feature request here.