
Connection to the Bastion takes many seconds

pielonet opened this issue · 2 comments


When connecting to the Bastion It takes roughly 20 seconds before I access to the shell.
It looks like loading bastions' plugins is taking a long time.

How could I reduce this loading time ?

Kind regards,


When you talk about the shell, do you mean the interactive mode prompt? (as follows)

Welcome to fix-my-config-please-missing-bastion-name interactive mode, type `help' for available commands.
You can use <tab> and <tab><tab> for autocompletion.
You'll be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
Loading... 90 commands and 372 autocompletion rules loaded.


before the "you@bastion(master)" prompt appears, but after the "Loading...." message does?

Note that if it's slow on the early phase of the connection (before any text is printed), a common cause is a broken DNS configuration on your system.

I've been there, and spend almost 3 weeks debugging that stupid error. Finally debuged that line by line in perl... but to the point.
The bastion is trying to find a name for your client using dns request - so this is taking reallly long 20s after it finds out that there is no dns name for your client thus you waiting each command execution 20s xd. It's nice when clients have such name but for dayli usage it doesn't have.

The answer is to turn your dns off -> comment out everything in /etc/resolv.conf
