can not delete Load_Balancer_Health_Check by its uuid
bobz965 opened this issue · 3 comments
bobz965 commented
numansiddique commented
Load_Balancer_Health_Check is a non root table which means you can't delete the row.
Instead you need to remove this health check from the load balancer referencing it.
ovn-nbctl remove load_balancer <load_balancer_uuid> health_check 8ba16c17-.....
Hope this helps.
numansiddique commented
It is not an issue. So closing it.
bobz965 commented
Load_Balancer_Health_Check is a non root table which means you can't delete the row. Instead you need to remove this health check from the load balancer referencing it.
ovn-nbctl remove load_balancer <load_balancer_uuid> health_check 8ba16c17-.....
Hope this helps.