Local mirror-port and external_ids
mnenashev opened this issue · 1 comments
In case of local mirror-port (SPAN) we have to manually create mapping between interface on the OVS integration bridge to be used as the mirror destination and the name of mirror-port on OVN .
For example:
ovs-vsctl set interface tap_vm1 external-ids:mirror-id=ovn-mirror-01
The question is: it seems logical if the mirroring port at OVS would be created by OVN during:
ovn-nbctl mirror-add mirror-1001 local both ovn-mirror-01 + <ovs_int_name> (tap_vm1)
Yet, it seems like this is not done, why?
The goal is to do all configuration of mirror-port on OVN level and do nothing on OVS one.
@mnenashev This mirror you gave as en example, can be attached to multiple logical ports. (using ovn-nbctl lsp-attach-mirror ). So it doesn't seem practical to define the ovs_int_name in the mirror-add command.
When a user attaches the mirror to a logical port using ovn-nbctl lsp-attach-mirror, ovn-controller can perhaps set the external_ids:mirror-id=<mirror_name> to the ovs interface of the logical port.
If you're interested can you try to do this ?