
What exactly is skipAndroid value for?

mezod opened this issue · 4 comments

mezod commented

In my android device I seem to need marginTop: 0 for it to behave as I expect. However, this library returns a value of 25.333, which leaves white space between android's statusbar and the beginning of my app. I have read there's this skipAndroid value that sets it to 0, but, what exactly is this? It means it will ignore every other statusbar height for any other android?

ovr commented

@mezod skipAndroid is needed to skip value for Android, with skipAndroid this will be 0 all time

what exactly is this

it's needed, because Android already positioning base view under StatusBar, but on iOS all apps should add marginTop = StatusBar.height

but sometimes you rly needed to get statusbar.height, for example when you are going to calculate all view area (Dimenstions.get(window) - statusbar.height)

mezod commented

I see, so the value for android is used for when StatusBar is set to translucent, right? Thanks!

ovr commented

I am going to close this issue, because there is answer ;)

Might be nice to have this in the Readme too