Image is not displaying in PDF
nagoorbilal opened this issue · 5 comments
<div id="divPdfReport" ref={pdfref} className='pdfPaged1' > <img src={ClientRight} style={{width:'160px'}}/> </div>
var element = document.getElementById('divPdfReport');
domToPdf(element, function(pdf) {
The Image is showing in browser but not showing in pdf
How does the image source look like, is ClientRight
a path to image? Is the image stored on a different domain? Do you see CORS errors in a browser console when downloading a pdf?
There is no console error while downloading pdf ,i have import ClientRight image as well
The issue is still there can you give any solution...
Try to specify a path to the image (e.g. or base64 encoded string as the image source.
yes, it's working on base64 format , Thanks @ovvn