
Create AggregateException and PrefixPrintStream utility classes

activeeon-bot opened this issue · 0 comments

Original issue created by Fabien Viale on 18, Aug 2014 at 14:51 PM - PALIGHT-56

The AggregateException is meant to create an exception which will capture several failures at once.

It can be used for example when a system tries to connect to several endpoints and all endpoints fail to answer or produce an error.

In that case, the system wants to throw an exception which contains the information about all remote system failures

The PrefixPrintStream is a utility class used by the AggregateException class. It creates a PrintStream which will prefix a string on every lines. PrefixPrintStreams can be combined in order to create indentation.

Alternate versions AggregateRuntimeException and PrefixPrintWriter will also be available