
unmarshal error

rext49612 opened this issue · 6 comments

#1008 ERROR OUTPUT with ini format#
Failed to load the configuration file: error mapping configuration settings to internal values: yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 32: cannot unmarshal !!seq into config.Config

#datasource.yaml ERROR
Unable to read the context after specifying with -config flag , tried in docker still unable to read the file even filetype too.

literally no way to specify config file

#Need attention
Regards @rext49612

similar error:
Failed to load the configuration file: error mapping configuration settings to internal values: yaml: line 23: did not find expected key

@prasgop @rext49612 can you provide your configuration file? and what version of amass are you running?

version 4.2.0.
It was throwing error when I initially tried to use the example congif.yaml by uncommenting api sources fields after adding respective keys. I later used oam_i2y to create config and datasources.yaml (new files attached) from config.ini, and it worked.
Now, I am able to run amass. Just that it's runtime is kind of unpredictable. And, I am using oam_subs after running amass to get subdomains as a separate list.

@prasgop as I look into this, I would advise you to redact your API keys in the datasources file.

oh yes, I should have. I have removed it now as it's anyway not adding any additional info to the context here.

@rext49612 Would you be willing to provide a redacted version of your datasources.yaml and your config.yaml?