New daily trending repos in Rust
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New daily trending repos in Rust!
charliermarsh / ruff
An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
+936 stars today
rustdesk / rustdesk
Virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone! Open source TeamViewer / Citrix alternative.
+57 stars today
tw93 / Pake
🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App
🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust.
+56 stars today
qdrant / qdrant
Qdrant - Vector Database for the next generation of AI applications. Also available in the cloud
+53 stars today
meilisearch / meilisearch
A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow.
+29 stars today
vercel / turbo
Incremental bundler and build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust – including Turbopack and Turborepo.
+22 stars today
Boshen / oxc
The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler
+20 stars today
PyO3 / maturin
Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
+20 stars today
rome / tools
Unified developer tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, and the web
+19 stars today
denoland / deno
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
+19 stars today
LukeMathWalker / zero-to-production
Code for "Zero To Production In Rust", a book on API development using Rust.
+19 stars today
Andy-Python-Programmer / aero
Aero is a new modern, experimental, UNIX-like operating system following the monolithic kernel design. Supporting modern PC features such as long mode, 5-level paging, and SMP (multicore), to name a few.
+18 stars today
nushell / nushell
A new type of shell
+18 stars today
diesel-rs / diesel
A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
+15 stars today
rust-bakery / nom
Rust parser combinator framework
+11 stars today
PyO3 / pyo3
Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
+11 stars today
swc-project / swc
Rust-based platform for the Web
+10 stars today
XAMPPRocky / tokei
Count your code, quickly.
+8 stars today
bottlerocket-os / bottlerocket
An operating system designed for hosting containers
+4 stars today
microsoft / windows-rs
Rust for Windows
+4 stars today
delta-io / delta-rs
A native Rust library for Delta Lake, with bindings into Python
+3 stars today
solana-labs / solana-program-library
A collection of Solana programs maintained by Solana Labs
+2 stars today
RedisJSON / RedisJSON
RedisJSON - a JSON data type for Redis
+2 stars today
rust-lang / libc
Raw bindings to platform APIs for Rust
+1 stars today
apollographql / router
A configurable, high-performance routing runtime for Apollo Federation 🚀
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
nicolas-siplis / IronBoy
A Gameboy emulator written in Rust as both a learning exercise and a love letter to the console that got me into gaming.
+43 stars today
ArroyoSystems / arroyo
Distributed stream processing engine in Rust
+25 stars today
helix-editor / helix
A post-modern modal text editor.
+22 stars today
starship / starship
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
+22 stars today
1595901624 / gpt-aggregated-edition
Integrates ChatGPT official version, ChatGPT free version, Wenxin Yiyan, Poe, chatchat and other platforms, and supports custom import platforms
+18 stars today
Wilfred / difftastic
a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
+18 stars today
sunface / rust-course
“连续六年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。<<Rust语言圣经>>拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,甚至还有JS程序员关注的 WASM 和 Deno 等专题。这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
"The world's favorite language for 6 years in a row, no GC or manual memory management, high performance and security, procedural/OO/functional programming, excellent package management, the future cornerstone of JS" — Outside of work Try Rust as your second language. <> has comprehensive and in-depth explanations, vivid and appropriate examples, Dove-like silky content, and even topics such as WASM and Deno that JS programmers care about. This may be the most thoughtful Rust Chinese learning tutorial / Book so far
+18 stars today
fermyon / spin
Spin is the open source developer tool for building and running serverless applications powered by WebAssembly.
+15 stars today
Schniz / fnm
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
+15 stars today
svenstaro / miniserve
🌟 For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!
+15 stars today
EvilGenius-dot / RustMinerSystem
Create a unique minerproxy based on Rust, which supports all currency management, accurate computing power statistics and powerful functions. You have never used the top operation and maintenance management software!!! minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy
+14 stars today
firecracker-microvm / firecracker
Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
+13 stars today
copy / v86
x86 virtualization in your browser, recompiling x86 to wasm on the fly
+12 stars today
cube-js / cube
📊 Cube — The Semantic Layer for Building Data Applications
+7 stars today
awslabs / aws-lambda-rust-runtime
A Rust runtime for AWS Lambda
+4 stars today
hyperium / tonic
A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.
+4 stars today
massalabs / massa
The Decentralized and Scaled Blockchain
+2 stars today
aptos-labs / aptos-core
Aptos is a layer 1 blockchain built to support the widespread use of blockchain through better technology and user experience.
New daily trending repos in Rust!
rust-lang / rust
Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
+52 stars today
a16z / magi
A blazing fast OP Stack rollup client written in Rust
+47 stars today
kuasar-io / kuasar
An efficient container runtime that provides cloud-native, all-scenario multiple sandbox container solutions.
+42 stars today
tauri-apps / tauri
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend.
+42 stars today
rust-lang / regex
An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.
+27 stars today
ellie / atuin
🐢 Magical shell history
+24 stars today
bevyengine / bevy
A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
+20 stars today
casey / just
🤖 Just a command runner
+16 stars today
vectordotdev / vector
A high-performance observability data pipeline.
+13 stars today
wasmerio / wasmer
🚀 The leading WebAssembly Runtime supporting WASI and Emscripten
+12 stars today
awslabs / aws-lc-rs
aws-lc-rs is a cryptographic library using AWS-LC for its cryptographic operations. The library strives to be API-compatible with the popular Rust library named ring.
+11 stars today
cognitive-engineering-lab / aquascope
Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
+10 stars today
rust-lang / cargo
The Rust package manager
+8 stars today
LemmyNet / lemmy
🐀 A link aggregator and forum for the fediverse
+7 stars today
nvzqz / condtype
Choose Rust types via boolean conditions
+7 stars today
tikv / tikv
Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
+6 stars today
solana-labs / solana
Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
+6 stars today
sunface / rust-by-practice
Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev through challenging examples, exercises and projects.
+5 stars today
move-language / move
+4 stars today
willcrichton / flowistry
Flowistry is an IDE plugin for Rust that helps you focus on relevant code.
+4 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
fathyb / carbonyl
Chromium running inside your terminal
+58 stars today
lencx / nofwl
NoFWL Desktop Application
+24 stars today
dani-garcia / vaultwarden
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
+21 stars today
greyblake / nutype
Rust newtype with guarantees
+15 stars today
getmetal / motorhead
🧠 Motörhead is a memory and information retrieval server for LLMs.
+14 stars today
MystenLabs / sui
Sui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
+14 stars today
bytecodealliance / wasmtime
A fast and secure runtime for WebAssembly
+12 stars today
rust-lang / rust-clippy
A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. Book:
+7 stars today
foundry-rs / foundry
Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
+6 stars today
tokio-rs / tracing
Application level tracing for Rust.
+5 stars today
roc-lang / roc
A fast, friendly, functional language. Work in progress!
+4 stars today
clap-rs / clap
A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
+3 stars today
flows-network / github-pr-summary
Use ChatGPT to summarize & review GitHub Pull Requests
New daily trending repos in Rust!
jdxcode / rtx
Runtime Executor (asdf rust clone)
+32 stars today
rust-lang / rustlings
🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
+31 stars today
AppFlowy-IO / AppFlowy
AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
+26 stars today
leptos-rs / leptos
Build fast web applications with Rust.
+24 stars today
surrealdb / surrealdb
A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web
+23 stars today
qarmin / czkawka
Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
+19 stars today
ruffle-rs / ruffle
A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
+18 stars today
ankitects / anki
Anki for desktop computers
+17 stars today
yewstack / yew
Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps
+15 stars today
emilk / egui
egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web and native
+14 stars today
actix / actix-web
Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
+12 stars today
tokio-rs / axum
Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper
+12 stars today
dotcypress / ula
μLA: Micro Logic Analyzer for RP2040
+10 stars today
quickwit-oss / quickwit
Sub-second search & analytics engine on cloud storage
+9 stars today
rust-lang / book
The Rust Programming Language
+7 stars today
juspay / hyperswitch
An Open Source Financial Switch to make Payments fast, reliable and affordable
+3 stars today
sigp / lighthouse
Ethereum consensus client in Rust
+3 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
rust-unofficial / awesome-rust
A curated list of Rust code and resources.
+26 stars today
0x192 / universal-android-debloater
Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
+20 stars today
apache / incubator-opendal
Apache OpenDAL: access data freely.
+13 stars today
risingwavelabs / risingwave
RisingWave: A Distributed SQL Database for Stream Processing
+4 stars today
paritytech / substrate
Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators
+2 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
mitsuhiko / rye
an experimental alternative to poetry/pip/pipenv/pyenv/venv/virtualenv/pdm/hatch/…
+666 stars today
johnthagen / min-sized-rust
🦀 How to minimize Rust binary size 📦
+75 stars today
elkowar / eww
ElKowars wacky widgets
+18 stars today
tree-sitter / tree-sitter
An incremental parsing system for programming tools
+8 stars today
mozilla / sccache
sccache is ccache with cloud storage
+6 stars today
glotlabs / gdrive
Google Drive CLI Client
+6 stars today
paritytech / polkadot
Polkadot Node Implementation
+5 stars today
apache / arrow-datafusion
Apache Arrow DataFusion SQL Query Engine
+2 stars today
kata-containers / kata-containers
Kata Containers is an open source project and community working to build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs.
+2 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
TheAlgorithms / Rust
All Algorithms implemented in Rust
+15 stars today
launchbadge / sqlx
🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL.
+13 stars today
Orange-OpenSource / hurl
Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
+9 stars today
rust-lang / rustup
The Rust toolchain installer
+7 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
jkfran / killport
A command-line tool to easily kill processes running on a specified port.
+123 stars today
pola-rs / polars
Fast multi-threaded, hybrid-out-of-core DataFrame library in Rust | Python | Node.js
+28 stars today
ajeetdsouza / zoxide
A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
+22 stars today
iced-rs / iced
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
+20 stars today
hikari-no-yume / touchHLE
High-level emulator for iPhone OS apps
+19 stars today
rustic-rs / rustic
rustic - fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups powered by Rust
+17 stars today
facebook / buck2
Build system, successor to Buck
+12 stars today
casey / ord
👁🗨 Rare and exotic sats
+8 stars today
bnjbvr / rouille
Rust programming, in French.
+5 stars today
tower-rs / tower
async fn(Request) -> Result<Response, Error>
+3 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
typst / typst
A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
+212 stars today
memorysafety / sudo-rs
A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.
+63 stars today
web-infra-dev / rspack
A fast Rust-based web bundler 🦀️
+42 stars today
DioxusLabs / dioxus
React-like GUI library for desktop, web, mobile, TUI, and more.
+23 stars today
solidiquis / erdtree
A modern, cross-platform, and multi-threaded filesystem and disk usage tool that respects hidden file and gitignore rules.
+21 stars today
linebender / xilem
An experimental Rust native UI framework
+19 stars today
Enitoni / pulseshitter
An overengineered workaround to Discord not supporting audio when screensharing on Linux.
+17 stars today
tokio-rs / tokio
A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
+15 stars today
slint-ui / slint
Slint is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. We support multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++, or JavaScript.
+15 stars today
eto-ai / lance
Modern columnar data format for ML implemented in Rust. Convert from parquet in 2 lines of code for 100x faster random access, vector index, and data versioning. Compatible with Pandas, DuckDB, Polars, Pyarrow, with more integrations coming..
+8 stars today
getsentry / sentry-cli
A command line utility to work with Sentry.
+2 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
ekzhang / bore
🕳 bore is a simple CLI tool for making tunnels to localhost
+12 stars today
Kudaes / Bin-Finder
Detect EDR's exceptions by inspecting processes' loaded modules
+11 stars today
rust-lang / rust-analyzer
A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
+10 stars today
cozodb / cozo
A transactional, relational-graph-vector database that uses Datalog for query. The hippocampus for AI!
+4 stars today
seanmonstar / reqwest
An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client
+4 stars today
actix / examples
Community showcase and examples of Actix ecosystem usage.
+2 stars today
WithSecureLabs / chainsaw
Rapidly Search and Hunt through Windows Forensic Artefacts
+2 stars today
huggingface / tokenizers
💥 Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production
+1 stars today
nozwock / yanu
Yet Another NSP Updater for Skyline
New daily trending repos in Rust!
alacritty / alacritty
A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
+27 stars today
wez / wezterm
A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
+13 stars today
RustPython / RustPython
A Python Interpreter written in Rust
+12 stars today
shuttle-hq / shuttle
Deploy Rust apps with a single Cargo command
+11 stars today
sparshg / pid-balancer
Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller simulation to balance a ball on cart
+8 stars today
fdehau / tui-rs
Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust
+7 stars today
messense / aliyundrive-webdav
阿里云盘 WebDAV 服务
Alibaba Cloud Disk WebDAV Service
+5 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
Priler / jarvis
Voice assistant made as an experiment using neural networks for things like STT/TTS/Wake Word/NLU etc.
+99 stars today
BurntSushi / ripgrep
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
+19 stars today
ajeetdsouza / loxcraft
Language tooling for the Lox programming language.
+18 stars today
lapce / lapce
Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
+16 stars today
RustScan / RustScan
🤖 The Modern Port Scanner 🤖
+8 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
neondatabase / neon
Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage.
+89 stars today
rapiz1 / rathole
A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
+47 stars today
serenity-rs / serenity
A Rust library for the Discord API.
+13 stars today
embassy-rs / embassy
Modern embedded framework, using Rust and async.
+6 stars today
neovide / neovide
No Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust
+6 stars today
gakonst / ethers-rs
Complete Ethereum & Celo library and wallet implementation in Rust.
+6 stars today
AllenDang / img_maniac
A cross-platform image (texture) viewer
+6 stars today
signalapp / libsignal
Home to the Signal Protocol as well as other cryptographic primitives which make Signal possible.
+4 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
orhun / git-cliff
A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications ⛰️
+12 stars today
DvorakDwarf / Infinite-Storage-Glitch
ISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video
+9 stars today
getzola / zola
A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in.
+8 stars today
pop-os / system76-scheduler
Auto-configure CFS and process priorities for improved desktop responsiveness
+4 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
lencx / ChatGPT
🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
+132 stars today
optiv / is a payload toolkit for bypassing EDRs using suspended processes, direct syscalls written in RUST
+125 stars today
denoland / fastwebsockets
A fast RFC6455 WebSocket implementation
+80 stars today
rustformers / llm
Run inference for Large Language Models on CPU, with Rust 🦀🚀🦙
+68 stars today
AleoHQ / snarkOS
A Decentralized Operating System for ZK Applications
+37 stars today
JasonWei512 / code-radio-cli
🎵 A command line music radio client for, written in Rust.
+36 stars today
veloren / veloren
An open world, open source voxel RPG inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Cube World. This repository is a mirror. Please submit all PRs and issues on our GitLab page.
+25 stars today
gfx-rs / wgpu
Safe and portable GPU abstraction in Rust, implementing WebGPU API.
+18 stars today
Byron / gitoxide
An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
+15 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
paradigmxyz / artemis
A simple, modular, and fast framework for writing MEV bots in Rust.
+196 stars today
AleoHQ / snarkVM
A Virtual Machine for Zero-Knowledge Executions
+14 stars today
EmbarkStudios / rust-gpu
🐉 Making Rust a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU shaders 🚧
+6 stars today
apache / arrow-rs
Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow
+5 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
SergioBenitez / Rocket
A web framework for Rust.
+12 stars today
sobelio / llm-chain
is a powerful rust crate for building chains in large language models allowing you to summarise text and complete complex tasks
+11 stars today
b1tg / cobaltstrike-beacon-rust
CobaltStrike beacon in rust
+6 stars today
hrkfdn / ncspot
Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust, inspired by ncmpc and the likes.
+3 stars today
datafuselabs / databend
A modern cloud data warehouse focusing on reducing cost and complexity for your massive-scale analytics needs. Open source alternative to Snowflake. Also available in the cloud: 🧠
+2 stars today
KaitlynEthylia / terny
A simple, C-like, ternary operator for cleaner syntax.
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
HigherOrderCO / HVM
A massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust
+20 stars today
zama-ai / tfhe-rs
TFHE-rs: Pure Rust implementation of the TFHE scheme for boolean and integers FHE arithmetics.
+5 stars today
image-rs / image
Encoding and decoding images in Rust
+3 stars today
CleanCut / ultimate_rust_crash_course
Rust Programming Fundamentals - one course to rule them all, one course to find them...
librespot-org / librespot
Open Source Spotify client library
New daily trending repos in Rust!
trimental / inlyne
Introducing Inlyne, a GPU powered yet browserless tool to help you quickly view markdown files in the blink of an eye.
+46 stars today
getdozer / dozer
Connect any data source, combine them in real-time and instantly get low-latency Data APIs. All with just a simple configuration!
+13 stars today
hyperium / hyper
An HTTP library for Rust
+11 stars today
quickwit-oss / tantivy
Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
+6 stars today
burn-rs / burn
Burn - A Flexible and Comprehensive Deep Learning Framework in Rust
+5 stars today
graphprotocol / graph-node
Graph Node indexes data from blockchains such as Ethereum and serves it over GraphQL
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
Cormanz / smartgpt
A program that provides LLMs with the ability to complete complex tasks using plugins.
+101 stars today
build-trust / ockam
Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale. Use Ockam to build secure-by-design applications that can Trust Data-in-Motion.
+5 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
ast-grep / ast-grep
⚡A fast and polyglot tool for code searching, linting, rewriting at large scale. Written in Rust
+70 stars today
loichyan / nerdfix
🔣 nerdfix helps you to find/fix obsolete Nerd Font icons in your project.
+9 stars today
shadowsocks / shadowsocks-rust
A Rust port of shadowsocks
+3 stars today
gorgarp / ChatGPT-Code-Review
ChatGPT-Code-Review is a Rust application that uses the OpenAI GPT-3.5 language model to review code. It accepts a local path to a folder containing code, and generates a review for each file in the folder and its subdirectories.
+3 stars today
TeamFlos / phira
+2 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
bytedance / g3
Enterprise-oriented Generic Proxy Solutions
+62 stars today
sarah-ek / faer-rs
Linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language
+14 stars today
mullvad / mullvadvpn-app
The Mullvad VPN client app for desktop and mobile
New daily trending repos in Rust!
mitsuhiko / self-replace
Utility library that helps to implement processes that replace themselves
+129 stars today
cedar-policy / cedar
Core implementation of the Cedar language
+60 stars today
immunant / c2rust
Migrate C code to Rust
+6 stars today
Yamato-Security / hayabusa
Hayabusa (隼) is a sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs.
+5 stars today
rustls / rustls
A modern TLS library in Rust
+3 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
steven-omaha / pacdef
multi-backend declarative package manager for Linux
+17 stars today
nymtech / nym
Nym provides strong network-level privacy against sophisticated end-to-end attackers, and anonymous transactions using blinded, re-randomizable, decentralized credentials.
+5 stars today
libp2p / rust-libp2p
The Rust Implementation of the libp2p networking stack.
+4 stars today
New daily trending repos in Rust!
fujiapple852 / trippy
A network diagnostic tool
+54 stars today
makepad / makepad
Makepad is a creative software development platform for Rust that compiles to wasm/webGL, osx/metal, windows/dx11 linux/opengl
+13 stars today
uutils / coreutils
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
+6 stars today
cross-rs / cross
“Zero setup” cross compilation and “cross testing” of Rust crates
+6 stars today
matter-labs / zksync-era
zkSync era
+4 stars today
WebAssembly / WASI
WebAssembly System Interface
+2 stars today