
MacOS Terminal window always open

Closed this issue · 6 comments

i try your tool and have one problem, if i start your CodeTimer-mac_x64 file on mac is open via Terminal, and a second window with the code timer app, if i close the terminal windows also the code timer app is close....

you know a way to hide the terminal window?


owlysk commented

Hi, I think it need to be bundle in .app neutralinojs/neutralinojs#209
Give me few days to try figure it out and I will come back to you.

owlysk commented

after some search I figure out how to bundle it. BUT application in bundle has read-only access to files (where cache or credentials are located) so you can't update settings or use cache (app may be slower). I already created issue on neutralinojs how to handle this issue in future.

For now, you have to manually add credentionals to file setting.neustorage to make it work. This file is located in hidden folder .storage

    └── Contents
        ├── Info.plist
        ├── MacOS
        │   ├── booter
        │   └── CodeTimer
        └── Resources
            ├── app.icns
            ├── .DS_Store
            ├── extensions
            ├── favicon.ico
            ├── icons
            │   ├── app.icns
            │   ├── appIcon.png
            │   └── trayIcon.png
            ├── neutralino.config.json
            ├── resources
            │   ├── detail.html
            │   ├── .DS_Store
            │   ├── icons
            │   ├── index.html
            │   ├── js
            │   ├── lib
            │   ├── setting.html
            │   └── style.css
            ├── .storage
            │   ├── cache.neustorage
            │   └── setting.neustorage <--- this file need to be changed
            └── .tmp
                └── tray_icon_linux.png

Here is a bundle for Mac OS:

I hope this will work for you

Hi again. Can you please test this app bundle?

Please let me know, if it works.
Thank you

yes it works very well...

Great, thanks.