
AdjectiveSatelliteSynset with URIs using a

fredsonaguiar opened this issue · 6 comments

In the past, for some reason, the URIs of AdjectiveSatelliteSynset, of the form xxxxxxxx-s were replaced by URIs of the form xxxxxxxx-a. We should bring back the xxxxxxxx-s format for consistency with the Synset property ss_type from https://wordnet.princeton.edu/documentation/prologdb5wn, avoiding confusions with the Words property pos.

The AdjectiveSatelliteSynset <https://w3id.org/own-pt/wn30-en/instances/synset-00613866-a> should have it's URI replaced by <https://w3id.org/own-pt/wn30-en/instances/synset-00613866-s>, for instance.

In bb56067, we replace URIs of AdjectiveSateliteSynsets in format xxxxxx-a, as discussed before, through this script.

The running and outputs for OWN-PT and OWN-EN:

python3 pyownpt/cli/adjective_satelites_uris.py openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-en-* -l en -o own-en.nt -v
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-en-morphosemantic-links.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-en-relations.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-en-synsets.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-en-wordsenses.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-en-words.ttl'
INFO:ownpt:start formatting AdjectiveSatelliteSynset
INFO:ownpt:action applied to 10693 valid synsets
	total: 96700 triples added
	total: 96700 triples removed
INFO:root:serializing output to 'own-en.nt'
python3 pyownpt/cli/adjective_satelites_uris.py openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-* -l pt -o own-pt.nt -v
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-morphosemantic-links.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-relations.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-same-as.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-synsets.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-wordsenses.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-words.ttl'
INFO:ownpt:start formatting AdjectiveSatelliteSynset
INFO:ownpt:action applied to 0 valid synsets
	total: 0 triples added
	total: 0 triples removed
INFO:root:serializing output to 'own-pt.nt'

This issue is related to #180 right? Do this last comment and the commit close this issue?

What is the dev-pre-release branch? This can go quickly crazy. A branch of a branch of work.. please consider merging it into the pre-prelease branch as soon as possible.

This issue is related to #180 right? Do this last comment and the commit close this issue?

I'd rather close #180 first, run again the action renaming AdjectiveSateliteSynset URIs, since the same problem is going to occur in OWN-PT files.

What is the dev-pre-release branch? This can go quickly crazy. A branch of a branch of work.. please consider merging it into the pre-prelease branch as soon as possible.

I'm closing that branch; the only relevant changes are going to be subscribed by new actions after repeating some steps because #180. I think this way we'll avoid confusion. New changes are going directly to pre-release.

In a0523a9 and d0db9cf, we fix this problem. As said before, we ran the scripts again:

python3 adjective_satelites_uris.py own-files/own-en-* own-files/own-pt-same-as.ttl -l en -o own-en.nt -v
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-en-morphosemantic-links.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-en-relations.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-en-synsets.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-en-wordsenses.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-en-words.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-pt-same-as.ttl'
INFO:ownpt:start formatting AdjectiveSatelliteSynset
INFO:ownpt:action applied to 10693 valid synsets
	total: 118086 triples added
	total: 118086 triples removed
INFO:root:serializing output to 'own-en.nt'
python3 adjective_satelites_uris.py own-files/own-pt-* -l pt -o own-pt.nt -v
INFO:root:loading data from file 'own-files/own-pt-morphosemantic-links.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-relations.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-same-as.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-synsets.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-wordsenses.ttl'
INFO:root:loading data from file 'openWordnet-PT/own-files/own-pt-words.ttl'
INFO:ownpt:start formatting AdjectiveSatelliteSynset
INFO:ownpt:action applied to 10693 valid synsets
	total: 82512 triples added
	total: 82512 triples removed
INFO:root:serializing output to 'own-pt.nt'